Thursday, December 10, 2009

A heady story...

Have you noticed? Well, have you?
Yes, that's right ... I have a header! A beautiful vintage Christmas card type header!
I am so happy about the way it looks. It is the one thing I have really struggled with since starting to blog, but after discovering "Feeling Stitchy's Craft Blog School", I found a way of uploading a header that I really like. Thank you so much floresita for this wonderful series of posts to help beginners like me make our blogs interesting too...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A little stitching...

I have been inspired by the beautiful embroidery you see everywhere on creative blogs. For the most beautifully, artistic embroidery do go over and vist Tiny Happy.

This was the first bit of embroidery I have done for ......... mmmmmm..... let me think? 20 years or so .. (the colours are not great, and I am sure a very young child could have done better, but there it is). Since those horrid days of Home Economics where you where forced to do ghastly patterns within a certain time limit. This embroidery was done of a picture of a snail that I drew for my 2 year old and then I just wanted to practice some other stitches so came up with the flower tendrils. I really like the green and yellow combination, but not much else!

I am so pleased with the renewed joy and calmness that I have found in making these pretty little stitches.

P.S. I am working on a little something for someone very special this Christmas, and it is really looking very beautiful. Will let you in as soon as it is safe to do so!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Pillow case dress ... version 2

I have done it! I made another Pillow case dress, and following these instructions more carefully, it came out so much better. It is fuller and prettier and a lot twirlier....

She likes it too!
I still didn't line it, as it is just too hot in these parts, but overall I am very happy with the outcome!
My very best friend is moving to Zanzibar this week (who wouldn't want to go there?), and so I made 3 of the exact same ones... One for Jessica and the other two for my best friends girls...

I can just see them on one of those shiny white beaches in these dresses, playing on the sand...
We will miss you dearly... and hope you are going to love every moment of this wonderful adventure!

Her Nursery School Christmas Party...

There was swimming (at 2 years old she is a real little fish in the water)

and more swimming...

There was jumping

a puppet show

Balloon bending

A nursery rhyme concert with little angels as the stars of the show

a Christmas gift  of course....

We had such a fun day! Packed with busy babies and some awesome moments....

Hooray for Christmas time and the time we get to spend together!