Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Wednesday Edition is back

So the Wednesday Edition is back, and since I have started picking myself up again, I found this pot carried just the right message! It was made by lorikoop on Etsy, and it comes with the following explanation:
"UPWoRDs are words or phrases that encourage and inspire. Their messages reminds of the possibilities. Let their energy refresh your thinking and lighten your step."
Isn't that FaNTaSTiC?
Ok, so here is THE LIST for this week:
  • Check out this designer Dad, with lots of practical ideas you can do with the kiddos at home.
  • See some beautiful embroidery on Geninne's Art Blog - Also who could resist a dog called Turbo (especially when you used to have a Siamese cat called Jet)
  • This is what I want to get my girl for her birthday, as she is always taking things apart and putting them back together again. 

So, no new clothes today, but I am looking... I am thinking stuff for winter..... will keep you updated!
P.S. If anybody knows of some easy knitting projects, I have just started to knit again, and knitting only scarves, is getting a bit boring!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Grateful for this day..

Yes, I am.
I have been under the weather since our holiday, perhaps it's been post-holiday blues, or maybe it's real, because, you see it can not really be defined.
The doctor's don't know, they are calling it Hypotension, or perhaps it is my Thyroid that is at the bottom of the bottom end of how it should function, but still no answer.
Perhaps it is anxiety, and to tell you the truth, I am inclined to agree with the latter. As always, I hope it will get better sooner rather than later and be forgotten for another year or so, until it rears it's ugly head again.
One thing is certain, if it wasn't for this wonderful man that is part of my life, this road would have been a lot bumpier. He gets me ..... and for that I am forever grateful!

P.S. I am going to try and be a bit more present here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Back from Zanzibar

We had an awesome trip to Zanzibar...
I am still in that laid back holiday groove so I will let our pictures do the talking..

We'll miss you Zanzibar!
Asante Sana!