Thursday, April 15, 2010

[frame it]

A couple of years back, my friend gave me a Large frame that she had no use for. It has been wrapped in bubble wrap in my garage for near on 3 years, and it really has been one of the things on my list of things to do.
As this is the season of public holidays in South Africa, I have had a few extra days at home to tick some things of this to do list, and the frame was one of them.
It was an old gold wooden frame with fabric on the inside of the block, pretty old fashioned, but I knew I could work with it.
Enter a can of white paint (regular PVA), a piece of sanding paper (with a fine grain), a soft cloth and one of hubby's new paint brushes (oops).
I painted the entire frame white (including the material piece on the inside) and then started sanding...

A close up of what it looked like when I was finished. I lightly sanded the entire outside rim of the frame. I rubbed the paint off the golden part just inside the thick border with a soft cloth to bring the gold back up. The innermost border I left very white to set off against the gold.
Now I just have to put a backing on and I am going to make a collage and hang it in our front portal.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The week (or two) that was...

Some random goodness from the last few weeks:

More Vintage goodness, My mother-in-law bought me this beautiful Trio on a recent visit to New Zealand and gave it to me for my birthday. I love the shades of Pink in it.

We enjoyed a friend's birthday party.

Relaxed in the baby pool, before the rain settled in. What we didn't realise at the time, was that this was our last bit of summer....

And we baked a cake, and licked out the bowl (yummy)!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Vintage Sunday....

I have been struggling for 2 days to upload this post, and for some reason Blogger does not want to upload any images.
Frustrating? YES!
Will it stop me from trying again? NO! So here goes:

Yippeee, now I can tell my story:
We had a Sunday Market at our town's Windmill Organice Produce Store recently. There were a variety of beautiful treasures for sale.
I bought the two books above for Jessica. The first one was in honour of our trip to Zanzibar, where she was infatuated with the Hermit Crabs and thus the book "A Home for Hermit the Crab" was perfect.

The beautifully illustrated pop-up book "Uncle Peasly and the Pea Pod Kids" (circa 1986), was just too good to be true and had to come home with us!

Can you tell how much she loves this book?

I bought this "Midwinter" set of vintage China at a steal! A beautiful Trio to add to my collection of Antique Cups and Saucers.
A Wonderful day spent at the Market!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

30. TWO.

It was my Birthday on Saturday...
A beautiful Easter Birthday shared with those I love best!
When I was a child my birthday used to always fall on Easter Weekend, which was not great for having birthday parties, as all the kids where always on holiday.
Roll on 20 years or so, and it is quite pleasant not having to be at work on your birthday, but celebrating it instead with lots of lazy days and lovely people .... oh and chocolate of course :-)!