I have done it! I made another Pillow case dress, and following these instructions more carefully, it came out so much better. It is fuller and prettier and a lot twirlier....
She likes it too!
I still didn't line it, as it is just too hot in these parts, but overall I am very happy with the outcome!
My very best friend is moving to Zanzibar this week (who wouldn't want to go there?), and so I made 3 of the exact same ones... One for Jessica and the other two for my best friends girls...
I can just see them on one of those shiny white beaches in these dresses, playing on the sand...
We will miss you dearly... and hope you are going to love every moment of this wonderful adventure!
You're becoming a bit of a pro!!! By the way, your're clearly on top of things with the beautiful pillowcase dresses...so what do you have up you're sleeve should boetie be coming around...hiehiehie!!